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A new beginning, enlightened world and a young and enthusiastic India is what we will witness in the Year 2008. Year 2008 is governed by number 10 (2+0+0+8 = 10). Number 10 is represented by The Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana of ancient Tarots. It signifies - the circle of life, and destiny, which encompasses successes, glories and achievements. In 2008, our beloved India will be governed by number 1 which is very strongly placed in its numeroscope. Thus, its going to bring many Good News for India and Indians. As the New Year 2008 begins on a Tuesday, it is also a very auspicious sign. As per Vedic Astrology, the new year begins under the Hasta Nakshatra which is ruled by Moon. This shows the dominance of Moon which also warns of some hidden dangers. Now let us see where will the wheel of fortune turn in the new-year 2008 ? · Good News for Ladies! Females will play a significant role in the success of our nation in 2008. Year 2008 will be very favourable for ladies. We will see more ladies occupy prime posts of authority. · Indian Sports teams will fetch more medals & trophies globally. Along with Cricket, Indian Teams of Hockey, Football and other sports will shine globally. · Diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries will have a tremedous improvement. · Indian Stock Market have a sharp decline during the first & third Quarter. There will be a steep rise in prices of Gold and other Precious metals. · As number 1 rules the intellectual class of the society. Indian Writers and intellectuals, the technocrats and the writers, will be globally recognized. · Year 2008, will mark a revolution in the Judicial System of our nation. Many unexpected and delayed verdicts will take masses for surprise. · Terrorist activities are likely to intensify. Year start in Hasta Nakshatra is likely to adversely affect the negotiations and peace talks carried on by the Government. · Political instability in North Eastern states is likely to develop from July 2008.
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