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Year 2008 is governed by number 1 which is ruled by the Mighty Sun. Hence, it will be positive in general for everyone. Let us see what numbers foretell about your destiny based on your birth date. Free Horoscope for those born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th Free Horoscope for those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th Free Horoscope for those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th Free Horoscope for those born on 4th, 13th or 22nd Free Horoscope for those born on 5th, 14th, 23rd Free Horoscope for those born on 6th, 15th, 24th Free Horoscope for those born on 7th, 16th, 25th Free Horoscope for those born on 8th, 17th, 26th Free Horoscope for those born on 9th, 18th, 27th Born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th The year holds out hopes of large scale improvement in many directions. You will at last be able to take the lead and shape your circumstances to your betterment. You will have to think twice before you allow pride to stand in your way, otherwise, it will prove disastrous. If you are holding any key position in your job, you will show great interest in activities whereby you will benefit to a great extent. Do not feel shy of asking favours from your superiors; this is the year when you will derive much benefit through influence. As fortunate developments in this year grow, you will increase in your self-confidence. You will find yourself becoming a centre of activities and that will enable you to enhance your prestige and social status. You will find others in your circle more responsive to your leadership. Look, therefore, for greater power and fresh opportunities, but do not be surprised if there is an escalation in your responsibilities. Your new associates will become your lasting friends. Born on 2nd , 11th, 20th or 29th This is the year of romance which will help to lighten your burden and add a spark of interest to your daily routine. In this year, you will get an opportunity to gain information which would be helpful to you in later years. There will be slow progress in realising your ambition, and you will gradually change the direction of your efforts with the occurrence of fresh ideas and outlets. You will develop a more imaginative temperament which may boost your romantic efforts this year. Sentiments too will have free play. Close relatives will have great influence over important new trends. There is also likely to be some development in connection with someone living abroad. Your magnetism will attract new friends; a receptive attitude, rather than an aggressive one, will increase your list of friends. Do not be impatient; please wait and watch. Partnerships, which will prosper, are also indicated. It is wiser to work out minor aspects than to launch big, new projects at this time. Important matters on the emotional plane may be exaggerated. You may find it difficult to maintain an even balance in your relations with older people or parents. In general, this will be a good year for you. Born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th This is the year of success. Yet, you should not consider this year merely lucky because the negative aspects of number 3 tend to scatter your interests in many fields. Self-expression is the prominent theme to this year, and so you should be careful of what you say. You can market your ideas through words, story, play, or script. The coming year will be more expansive than any you have experienced for the last six or seven years. There are signs of an increase in your financial earnings and of the development of a more cheerful and optimistic outlook. Your intimate partners will be helpful and sympathetic as per your wish. A more calm and collected behaviour will be cultivated. Your former depression and pessimism will be entirely replaced with a positive attitude, and you will begin to look for higher progress. Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st This is a notable year for you : there will be a number of changes and an atmosphere of unsettlement. Unexpected and sudden developments will take place, and these will involve forming several new associations and friendships. However, do not consider this year as one riddled with negativity. You may expect a series of lucky incidents as well, this year. You are likely to undertake original and rather speculative tasks because these may prove most advantageous. Your outlook will become more unconventional. You will attach great importance to your new attachments, but rather puzzle your partners by an increasing tendency to make sudden changes without any warning. The symbol of number 4 is a square, within which you are standing. Naturally, this restricts you as far as expansion is concerned. However, this does not prevent you from upward mobility. Born on 5th, 14th or 23rd No 5 vibrations come under the dominion of Mercury; this year, therefore, is a pleasant year for you. There will be travels either for business or pleasure. During this year, you will discover the power of your eloquence to sway audiences. The period is favourable for lecturing, teaching, writing, dramatics, and all communications through advertising, post, and over the telephone. You will be busy in intellectual pursuits such as, study; reading, music, and theatrical activities. Throughout the year, you will be totally occupied with your commercial undertakings. Buying, selling, and bargaining will play a larger role; there is also the prospect of increased travel. You are sure to receive some fresh offers which hold the possibility of an improvement in your status. There will be a new agreement entered into with someone, and this document is sure to have a far-reaching influence over your material affairs. Temperamentally, you will be more uneasy and uncertain. A worrying, nervous complex will need to be checked. Born on 6th, 15th or 24th This is a year of social contacts and friendly atmosphere. Greater attention will be paid to your home and family life. Your friends and partners can be influenced, but they will be quite slow .to respond to forceful tactics. You will develop a more easygoing attitude. Your outlook will be more cheerful and will have greater influence over your decisions. Whether you are at home or away from home during this year, your mind will be occupied by domestic matters. You are likely to assume responsibilities of your family, and you will find it difficult to balance the budget. Married life will be happy and harmonious in this year. Comfort in your surroundings should highlight a perfect blend of the intellectual and the emotional aspects of your life. Born on 7th, 16th or 25th This is the year of peace, and this would be easily accomplished because number 7 is intellectual by nature and would stimulate your mental potentialities. Your affairs will move slowly. Matters related to distance should be attended to immediately so that you benefit from good fortune that may lie in this direction. Maintain your correspondence with faraway friends and relatives. If you are embarking on a career, it would serve well to choose one, dealing with travel or communication. There are possibilities that you will be misunderstood over an important matter, and it will be extremely difficult to clarify your point of view. Your temperament will be conditioned by a positive type of person who will have an influence over your life. Your mind will be more imaginative, but you will also be increasingly moody. Number 8th, 17th or 26th The shadow of the past is sure to exert a heavy influence over the coming year. The older members of society are likely to have dominance over your decisions this year. Do not look for quick results. All the indications point to a slow-moving, rather ponderous trend with recurring delays and frustrations. You may get opportunities for extra responsibilities to organise your affairs on a better footing. Some gain will accrue through buying, but it is not a favourable time to sell. Investment in insurance and government securities will prove to be prudent decisions in comparison to quick profit speculations. Energy and force are bestowed upon you during this year. You should use this power in a creative and constructive way. All your executive powers come to the fore this year, and you should be able to command any situation. Your greatest reward may come to you in the form of satisfaction you get from knowing that your conduct is ethical and that you are making an effort to improve yourself and mankind as well. Born on 9th, 18th or 27th You may expect a variety of experiences this year. Number 9 represents the closing of a nine year cycle: it indicates the end of one type of living and the beginning of another with renewed hope and enthusiasm. Your psychological attitude towards this year is very important. You should cultivate the outlook that all things come to an end - but only to make way for the new. This year you will experience that you can rely confidently upon your impressions. Number 9 is the ruler of occultism, and this is a propitious year to further your studies along these lines. Take advantage of the positive turn of events to acquire all the culture, knowledge, and appreciation of the arts that number 9 favours. This year will be more dashing and aggressive. The result will lead to a stiff battle with fate, but the odds are on your side. Be on your guard not to get involved in quarrels. The general undertone of impatience is sure to provoke friction, and you will be involved in disputes. Your persuasive companions will have a greater influence over your life; it would be better to listen to them so that you get many useful hints and information from them. You will become much more impulsive and ambitious. Speech will be more direct, emphatic, and candid
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