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Born on 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th: This month brings success and reward from past effort. Self-reliance and confidence are the keys to success this month. You need to stand up for yourself and show stubborn persistence. Your career will be stable, with few ups and downs, but your finances will be less secure. A conservative attitude to money matters is favorable. Your attention must be focused on long-term planning. You will get good ideas that may well turn into an additional source of income. You will become interested in new avenues of thought or spiritual paths, which will inspire you to study or read. This month's emphasis is on long-term goals. Friends and relatives will feel that you are a little distant, and may get on your case in the hope that you will spend more time with them.
Born on 2nd, 11th, 20th & 29th : This month you will experience a lot of changes. It is a time of reevaluation of the choices and the decisions you made over the past several months. This month you will gain clarity and understand your motivations and needs better. You are likely to implement some practical changes as a result of which you will distance yourself from outdated habits or relationships. There may be some emotional turmoil connected to this, but the feeling of relief is more prominent. This is a tricky time in all areas of relationships. Romance is not going to be on your priority list. If you are involved with someone, feelings will deepen and the bond becomes stronger by the end of the month.
Born on 3rd , 12th, 21st & 30th : This month you will develop new feelings about your job, your house, and the people around you. Irrational demands and lack of patience from your side may bring on feelings of quilt and you will probably find yourself apologizing more than once. You will have strong idealistic, humanitarian, and spiritual feelings and will be more involved in some practical endeavors concerning one or more of these areas of life. However, you might have to postpone any active involvement for the time being, because you feel the time is not right. This month you will develop enhanced clarity in all matters concerning your life and the direction it is taking. It is a perfect time for the re-assessment of your values and priorities and the influence of this month will be felt for a long time to come.
Born on 4th, 13th & 22nd : This is an extremely "lucky" month. You're in the right place at the right time and coincidences will occur in your favor. You will be more attractive to the opposite sex then usual and may receive some interesting proposals as well but this is likely to mar your career growth. It may also prove to be the busiest month of the year. Work will be demanding. Responsibilities and duties could become frustrating. You've got to stick to the routine and, consequently, you may even become bored with your environment. Your energy level will remain high and you want things to change. Reorganize your personal life. Manage your time more efficiently. Work on the house or garden so that you can enjoy improvements in your environment as well as your work life.
Born on 5th, 14th & 23rd : This month you will have the opportunity to change old ideas about life or people. Your circumstances could even change. Travel is also possible and will be favorable as well. By the month end, you will feel scattered and restless and want to avoid the petty details of life. Go with the flow; answer demands as they come up and do not try to control the circumstances too much. You are mentally sharp and will be quick to see the meaning of new information. You are also creative and imaginative. This month releases your wilder side, especially when it comes to your social life and love relationship. Within the context of this year's serious and spiritual overtones, it will be the most dynamic month of the year. Be careful of too much self-indulgence and irresponsibility.
Born on 6th, 15th & 24th : This month the practical aspects of career, business, relationships, and romance will all be on the reverse gear but the inner-changes that take place represent a much larger step forward than you will probably realize at this time. This month will bring plenty of financial gain, but your attention will be more directed towards intellectual accomplishments. The most difficult aspect of this month will be your relationship with loved ones. Your wisdom and diplomacy will surprise people and prevent several situations from becoming explosive. Relationships with both subordinates and higher-ups will improve. You will receive support and will be well-spoken of. Your intuition is keen; rely on it, and respect any premonitions you may have.
Born on 7th, 16th & 25th : You are likely to more serious this month than you were earlier. This will enhance your career prospects and give you the deep insight which will help you grasp the best of opportunities that come your way. Don't take chances in financial affairs. It is better to save than to spend. Open your heart to your loved ones. They may sense your preoccupation with work and details, and need you to reach out to them. It is a time of unexpected events. Be flexible, especially in thought. Let old concepts and dogma go with time. This is a time of incredible growth, mentally as well as spiritually, but you have to allow such growth to occur. New information comes to you on its own. Now its upon you presence of mind to en-cash the opportunity to suit your needs or let it go.
Born on 8th, 17th & 26th : This month you will have an excellent time for leisure and play. Take time off and, if possible, go on vacation in the month end. Get in touch with the inner you, daydream, and share those feelings and thoughts with someone you trust. Your need for others heightens. You will sense the changes on the horizon, but you must wait for events to provide a new direction. Seek the advice, perspective, and insight of others. You will continue to make a good impression on those you work with, but not because of enhanced sensitivity and awareness, but because of your ability to express yourself well and motivate others to see things your way. Be careful not to become manipulative.
Born on 9th, 18th & 27th : This month brings optimism, increased energy, and excitement. You will grow intellectually sharp and imaginative and will feel that anything is possible and that the sky is the limit. This is an excellent time to take on new challenges in your career, to start new endeavors, or, if you are in business or sales, to go out and snare that important new client. Your pride and self-esteem will get a boost. You are likely to lack the necessary sensitivity to respond properly to the needs of those close to you. You will be under the illusion that everyone feels the way you do; that problems are only minor impediments that can be taken in stride. However, your optimistic attitude will also inspire them, and they will grudgingly respect you for the way you seem to be handling things. A romantic experience brings passion and excitement later this month. |
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