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Quantity To dream of taking quack medicines, signifies that you are taking the wrong course of action with regards to your problems and affairs.
Quicksand Quadruplets To see quadruplets in your dream, represents wholeness. You are close to becoming who you really want to be.
Quarantine Quack Doctor To see a quack doctor in your dreams, forewarns that you should check your doctor's credentials to insure that you are getting qualified and quality care during an illness. Quartz Dreams of a quartz stone may reflect a desire for or acquisition of harmony with the world. Quitting Quitting is rarely about quitting altogether, but rather not wanting to continue under the current circumstances. Quitting is often elective as well. The quitter doesn't want to face the consequences of resigning from life, but rather to avoid the requisite hassles of participating in it. Quagmire To see yourself bogged down in a quagmire, signifies your inability to meet obligations and that you are stuck in a daily non-exciting routine. Quarry To see a quarry in your dream, denotes that hard work will lead to an advancement in your present job. Alternatively, you may have dug yourself into an emotional hole. Quartet To dream that you are in a quartet, signifies that you will have an enjoyable life filled with many companions. You may also be seeking out a companions and partnerships to work together in a harmonious way. Question To question something in your dream, signifies your suspicions toward a loved one. Quills To see quills in your dream, denotes success, social status, sophistication and prestige. Quinsy To dream that you are afflicted with quinsy, denotes discouraging employments. Quintuplets To see quintuplets in your dream, represents the five senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. It may also symbolize the essential and fundamental human being. Quoits To play at quoits in your dream, foretells low engagement and loss of employment.
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