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Basically, a yajna can be addressed to any human problem. Below we describe some of the most common problems that our customers generally choose when ordering a yajna. · Problems in profession and career: Difficulties in getting a good job, in getting a promotion, appreciation of work, provides good understanding with the bosses. Yajna to one or two planets must be performed for this, seeing the chart to get the desired result. · Financial problems: A Lakshmi-Narayana yajna, or a yajna to a particular planet can be performed for resolving a financial problem which would bless with monetary gains and comfort. · Marital and relationship problems: Yajnas offer harmony and understanding. If done in a due time, they can even divert from a possible marriage-breaking condition. Lakshmi-Narayana yajna, or yajna to planet(s) can be suggested seeing the chart. · Health problems: Yajnas can solve a health problem, or a quick recovery from an accident or a major operation. Maha Mrityunjaya yajna or a yajna to planets can be suggested seeing the chart. Similarly Yajnas to Shiva or Moon can provide relief from a mental disorder. · Problems with progenies: Yajnas can be obtained to alleviate a problem with children, or yajnas can provide happiness to a childless couple when they get a child. · Legal problems and litigations: Mars yajna, Skanda yajna, or any other suitable yajnas help defeat the enemy in a lawsuit, fight, battle. They are also good for all kinds of competitions and dealing with rivals. · Promoting family happiness: Yajnas to Ganesha, Vishnu, Lakshmi-Narayana or to a planet can be performed to resolve family problems and promoting peace and understanding. · Success in education and learning: A yajna to appease Saraswati or Jupiter would provide one with desired result in educational field and other learnings. · Other problems: There are so many problems in our lives that can not be listed at a single instant. Each problem is unique, that is why the solution should also be particular. Our yajnas are designed to fight different kinds of problems and provide relief, ease and happiness to the native. · Enhancing fortune: It has also to be noted that a yajna is not only for easing problems, but also for taking the maximum of the potential. A suitable yajna can increase the happiness in your family, the success in career, the gains in business, the credit in education many more times than you are experiencing.
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