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Five Mukhi Rudraksha
Five Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. The wealth, in the form of learning that man gains in the world, should be apparent and permanent only then it is meaningful. Five faced Rudraksha is useful for this purpose. In the long run we lose our power to maintain the learning that we have gained and at last it vanishes. We forget the acquired learning or cannot remember the lost learning. As agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer’s mind remains peaceful. It ensures that all sorrows vanish from the life of the wearer. It cures many diseases, vices and inordinate sexual desires. It bestows a happy married life. It is said to give wealth, honour and status to the one who wears it. A maala of five face rudraksha is also worn. It keeps the blood pressure normal. And the fear of untimely death disappears. f three beads of Five faced rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and the water drank in the morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses. The wearer of five Mukhi gains health and peace. It increases memory also. Recommended for: Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, diseases of fat and Diabetes. Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac ailments. Affects all major Chakra points. In Numerology, people governed by Number 3 are recommended this Rudraksha. |
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