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>>2009 Yearly Astrology and Horoscopes> India 2009
: - Pt. Vvidhushekhor Pandey & Pt. Aaadietya Pandey
Number 11 is depicted as “The crowned figure of Justice seated between pillars representing mercy and punishment.” This signifies that all are equal in the eyes of law and the ignorance of the law is no excuse in the courts of life and even in the courts of men. Number 11 is most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and others catalyse with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to result in fears and failures. India got independence on 15th August 1947. Hence our country is governed by Birth Number 6 and Fadic Number 8. In 2009, India will be governed by the Annual ruling of number 5 till August and thereafter the ruling of Number 6. Number 5 is non-compatible with the birth numbers while number 6 is perfectly compatible. Hence, I can predict that the First half of the Year will not be favourable whereas the Second half will be full of achievements and success in all spheres. New Year 2009 begins on a Thursday, which indicates that that the year will be a good one overall. As per Vedic Astrology, new year 2009 begins under the Dhanishtha Nakshatra which is ruled by Saturn. This shows the influence of Saturn throughout the year, which also warns of the activism of cross border Terrorism. Following is the Birth Chart of India, based on the date & time of Independence. 15th August 1947, 00:00hours, New Delhi
As per the Birth chart India is under the Vimshottari Mahadasha of Venus and the Antardasha of Ketu. September 2009 onwards India will enter the Mahadasha of Sun for 6 years. This will be a golden phase of Indian economy. Now let us see what numbers foretell for the New Year 2009. Ø Inflation rate will gradually decline in the second quarter. Ø Year 2009 will be a year of Struggles wherein the common masses will play the most vital role. Ø Spiritual and Financial scandals and scams will dominate the news headlines. Ø Political instability shall persist right from the beginning of the year and shall lead to a major unexpected political change in March- April. Ø Year beginning under the nakshatra ruled by Saturn indicates a Danger to the life of Celebrities. Ø Relations with neighbouring countries will not be cordial. Cross-border terrorism shall hamper peace talks. Terrorist threats shall continue all through the Year. New Delhi & a big town of U.P. or Uttaranchal are likely to suffer a calamity. Ø Public faith in the Judicial system will strengthen with verdicts in favour of the common masses which will affect the lives of the elite. Ø North and north eastern states will be succumbed to terrorist attacks and internal disturbances. Ø Prices of Metals and Chemicals will have a sharp rise. Ø BSE index to vary between 7500 and 15000 during the first half of the year with a significant rise in the last quarter.
Get your Annual predictions for the Year 2009 by Pt. Vvidhushekhor Pandey & Pt. Aaadietya Pandey. We provide you Personal readings for 2009 year ahead which gives you insights into all the facets of your coming year Predictions for the Year 2009 will briefly include all the following aspects of your life.
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