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2010 Yearly Astrology and Horoscopes>>Sunsign Horoscope >>cancer >
Overall Year 2010 :
Career 2010 :
Love Life 2010 :
Year 2010 will be a year of achievements, accomplishments and honour. New avenues would open up in career. There will be growth due to hard work and networking efforts. Travel could come about frequently. As the year begins the atmosphere around you shall have an air of excitement, the cause of which shall remain hidden. A romantic dilemma awaits you at the beginning of the New Year. Entry of a new love partner or a re-entry of an old one is also possible. Your New Year resolutions will be objected to by your closest persons. It is a perfect time for starting on a joint venture. Trying hobbies or interests you have never done before might cause frustration in March – April. Career and other responsibilities will be the top priority in April. In May, June your decisions are likely to be influenced by that of the others. You will be tempted to take their advice, but this temptation might cost you dearly. It is advisable that you discuss your decisions with others especially your seniors or elders who may be also involved later in the task. Emotional problems will bug you all year round. Tension within a close relationship will make it hard to make any long-term plan in August. Changes discussed in October November might cause a little havoc initially but will turn to be a blessing in disguise. Lucky Colour : Yellow |
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